Goal: The student will point with his/her finger to each letter of the Alphabet (tracking), pointing from left to right, as he/she sings the ABC song.
Purpose: Most kindergartners know the ABC song. It is important that the learner identify the correlation of the song to the Alphabet Letters.
Outcome: As learners seek to find a letter or sound, he/she will be able to "track" the Alphabet Line to locate the focus letter. Pointing from left to right is required in the reading process.
Long Term: The learner will be better prepared when ABC order is taught.
Materials Needed: You will find an ABC Chart in your student's red folder or...
any ABC Line/Chart will work as long as the letters are represented in ABC Order. (As the year progresses we will use charts in which the letters are represented in random order.)
Make a line by writing each letter (upper and lower case) in order on a piece of paper.
Use a keyboard to type the each letter (upper and lower case) in order, save the document, and refer to it as you work with your learner.
Purchase an ABC Line/Chart. The dollar store usually sells several different kinds.
POST an ABC LINE/CHART someplace in your child's environment, where the learner can practice it several times a day.
***Practice "tracking" the Alphabet every day, several times a day, until the learner is successful.
Activities & LinksUse the chart in your student's red BEE book. Keeping the plastic sleeve on the page, ask your student to locate and place a penny (or other marker) on a specific sound/letter. If your student does not know the letter/sound, ask him/her to "track" the chart to "find" the letter.
Here is a link we will go to many times in kindergarten. Help your child explore the alphabet on this fun site: StarFall.com
Click Here to Print an ABC Booklet to use all year!
Hearing the sounds of Letters Aa-Hh
Hearing the sounds of Letters Ii - Pp
Hearing the sounds of Letters Qq-Zz
Printing the Alphabet Capital Letters
Printing the Alphabet Lower Case Letters
Click Here to Print : Upper Case Alphabet Line
Remember to have FUN and enjoy the JOURNEY together. These precious moments pass quickly!
After you learn the ABC's you can play here! Have Fun!
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