Some skills have been broken into smaller parts: (ie: Recognize, Write, Make & Read the Sounds of A-Z Upper and Lower Case has been broken into 5-6 letter groups at a time... helping your child become successful in small steps).
As you journey with your child this year in kindergarten, work toward accomplishing as many of the skills as your child is developmentally ready for. Remember that no two learners are alike, each one is unique.
Enjoy the journey!
Reading For All Learners: I See Sam Books
Skill 1: Sing and "track" the Alphabet
Skill 2: Pencil Grip/Posture Name Writing
Skill 3: Scissors Fine Motor Skills (cut & Paste)
Skill 4: Vocabulary: Directional/Position Words
Skill 5: Bathroom Skills: Button, Snap, Zip
Skill 6: Respect for self, peers, adults, teacher
Skill 7: Recognize and Describe Shapes
Skill 8: Recognize Colors and Color Words
Skill 9: Letters: Ll, Ii, Hh, Tt, Oo
Skill 10: Touch & Read Numbers 0-30
Skill 11: Sight Words: I, see, like, is, a
Skill 12: Patterns (ab, aabb, abc)
Skill 13: Count, Write, Represent #'s 0-10
Skill 14: Letters: Ee, dd, Pp, Cc, Aa
Skill 15: Telephone Number & Telephone Skills
Skill 16: Sight Words: can, to, and, the, run
Skill 17: Recite Address & Street Safety
Skill 18: Recite Birthday
Skill 19: Letters: Bb, Gg, Jj, Uu, Ff
Skill 20: Tie Shoe
Skill 21: Sight Words: me, my, go, in, on
Skill 22: Count to 30
Skill 23: Recite the Pledge of Allegiance
Skill 24: Letters: Nn, M, Rr, Ss, Kk
Skill 25: Recognize US Coins (N,D,P,Q)
Skill 26: Sight Words: us, she, he, girl, boy
Skill 27: Count, Write, Represent #'s 0-20
Skill 28: Name the 5 Senses
Skill 29: Letters: Vv, Yy, Qq, Ww, Xx, Zz
Skill 30: Name the 4 Seasons
Skill 31: Sight Words: at, it, play, we, you said
Skill 32: Decompose/Compose #'s (+ & -)
Skill 33: Count, Write, Represent #s 0-30
Skill 34: Large Motor: Hop, Skip, Jump, Throw & Catch a Ball
Skill 35: Tell Time to the Hour
Skill 36: Name the Days of the Week/ Months of the Year
Skill 37: Count to 100 by 10's
Skill 1: Sing and "track" the Alphabet
Skill 2: Pencil Grip/Posture Name Writing
Skill 3: Scissors Fine Motor Skills (cut & Paste)
Skill 4: Vocabulary: Directional/Position Words
Skill 5: Bathroom Skills: Button, Snap, Zip
Skill 6: Respect for self, peers, adults, teacher
Skill 7: Recognize and Describe Shapes
Skill 8: Recognize Colors and Color Words
Skill 9: Letters: Ll, Ii, Hh, Tt, Oo
Skill 10: Touch & Read Numbers 0-30
Skill 11: Sight Words: I, see, like, is, a
Skill 12: Patterns (ab, aabb, abc)
Skill 13: Count, Write, Represent #'s 0-10
Skill 14: Letters: Ee, dd, Pp, Cc, Aa
Skill 15: Telephone Number & Telephone Skills
Skill 16: Sight Words: can, to, and, the, run
Skill 17: Recite Address & Street Safety
Skill 18: Recite Birthday
Skill 19: Letters: Bb, Gg, Jj, Uu, Ff
Skill 20: Tie Shoe
Skill 21: Sight Words: me, my, go, in, on
Skill 22: Count to 30
Skill 23: Recite the Pledge of Allegiance
Skill 24: Letters: Nn, M, Rr, Ss, Kk
Skill 25: Recognize US Coins (N,D,P,Q)
Skill 26: Sight Words: us, she, he, girl, boy
Skill 27: Count, Write, Represent #'s 0-20
Skill 28: Name the 5 Senses
Skill 29: Letters: Vv, Yy, Qq, Ww, Xx, Zz
Skill 30: Name the 4 Seasons
Skill 31: Sight Words: at, it, play, we, you said
Skill 32: Decompose/Compose #'s (+ & -)
Skill 33: Count, Write, Represent #s 0-30
Skill 34: Large Motor: Hop, Skip, Jump, Throw & Catch a Ball
Skill 35: Tell Time to the Hour
Skill 36: Name the Days of the Week/ Months of the Year
Skill 37: Count to 100 by 10's
Skill 38: Read and Spell Simple CVC Words